Resilient by Design
Modem was part of one of the ten teams selected to participate in the Resilient by Design Bay Area Challenge. In this yearlong ideas competition, interdisciplinary design teams worked alongside community members to identify critical areas throughout the Bay Area and to propose community-based solutions to strengthen the region’s resilience to sea-level rise, severe storms, flooding and earthquakes. As well as contributing to the larger urban design proposal and community-focused collaboration, modem was the creative director for the team’s public-facing videos and boards. This video was made to compete as a team for inclusion in the Challenge.
Team: AECOM, CMG Landscape Architecture, CCA Urban Works Agency, UC Berkeley CED and modem, with David Baker Architects, Silvestrum, and Skeo
Partnering community-based organizations: East Oakland Collective, Oakland Climate Action Coalition, Scraper Bike Team, Merritt College Brower Dellums Institute for Sustainable Policy Studies, Planting Justice, HOPE Collaborative, East Oakland Building Health Communities, and Repaired Nations.
Partnering government organizations: Oakland Planning, the City of Alameda, BART, the Port of Oakland, East Bay Regional Park District, and EBMUD.